廚藝討論區 閱讀話題

標題: 紅.黃.綠咖哩

人氣: 9421時間: 2002/06/18 00:00:00


發表時間: 2002/06/18 00:00:00


發表時間: 2002/06/18 00:00:00
咖哩(kari)是泰國料理另一重點,泰國的咖哩變化多端,並不一定都有椰奶的味道,最常見的約有綠咖哩、紅咖哩、乾咖哩與馬散麻咖哩。 ■原料 顏色的差別是選用不同的原料,綠咖哩(gaeng kiow wan)最普及也最受歡迎,因使用綠辣椒也是最辣的一種;紅咖哩(gaeng pet),顧名思義,是以紅辣椒為主;而乾咖哩(panaeng)與馬散麻咖哩(massaman)是南部回教徒的特產,其湯汁較為濃稠,外型與印度咖哩極雷同。 ■泰式咖哩 咖哩的味道來源總是靠著香料的集合,例如香菜子、茴香、荳蔻、薑黃、辣椒等等,泰國人還加入了蝦醬、香茅、南薑、檸檬葉等屬於東南亞的風味。烹調上,泰國人總是先將所有的食材做成咖哩膏,再加入食物裡烹煮,快速又好吃。 一份完整的泰式晚餐包括有四、五道菜肴:湯、涼拌或青菜、咖哩、海鮮與肉類,如果你對泰國菜沒有什麼明顯的好惡,不妨如法泡製,試試味道如何。不堪辣味叨擾的人光灌冰水是沒有效的,大口吞下白飯或吃點帶有油脂的東西才能真正降低那衝上腦門的辣度,還你清晰的味覺。

Tai hai

發表時間: 2002/06/19 00:00:00
To fibi: The green curry:KENG KIAW WAAN, In its Thai name means: Green and Sweet curry, therefore you know this curry should have the sweet(coconut sugar) and spicy flavor, it is usually cooked together with chicken, beef or fish ball and the round green eggplants, garnished with chili, citron leaves and sweet basil. red curry: KENG PHET in Thai means Hot curry, it is more often cooked with pork and bamboo shoots, or roasted duck and pineapples(the deluxe thai curry) the dry red curry: KENG PANANG is cooked with only small amount of coconut milk, usually pork, beef or chicken, and thai people don't put vegetables in this curry, only garnish it with red chili shreds and citreon leaves..


發表時間: 2002/06/23 00:00:00
謝謝遙遙和Tai hai的回答,Tai hai是泰國人嗎??

Tai Hai

發表時間: 2002/06/24 00:00:00
To fibi: You are welcomed. I am 100% Chinese, was born in Taipei. I live in Bangkok for almonst 22 years, so I have some knowledges of Thai cooking. The reason that I use English is very simple: it's more convenient (for me)and efficient(for you to have the prompt answer) My computer has three Operation Systems, and three languages inside, therefore I use the middle language-English to write most of my works.