廚藝討論區 閱讀話題

標題: 泰式米粉湯

人氣: 12821時間: 2002/11/12 00:00:00


發表時間: 2002/11/12 00:00:00

Tai hai

發表時間: 2002/11/12 00:00:00
Hi, small bean: your e-mail name is the same as my beloved and newly married niece, are you YY? Will you please describe more about the rice vermicceli soup for me? such as was it a fish ball soup, a pork ball soup, a boiled chicken soup, a stewed duck soup? thus I could offer you some suggestion.


發表時間: 2002/11/12 00:00:00
Hi,Tai hai:我是台北的小豆。"fish ball soup and pork ball soup and stewed duck soup"之 間是材料的差別還是煮法不一樣,我想我需要是一般在泰國家庭的作法。我在泰國有看到一種有顏色 的炒米粉,作法如何呢?台式米粉和泰式米粉不知道 是不是一樣?麻煩你了,謝謝。

Tai hai

發表時間: 2002/11/13 00:00:00
Hi: small bean 基本的泰式粿條材料可分五部份; 湯底,配肉,粿粉, 配菜, ,香菜料. 外加一味蒜頭油. 湯底 和 配肉,有直接關係,豬丸子配豬骨湯, 滷鴨配鴨骨架 熬湯. 以此類推 配肉 豬丸, 叉燒, 燒鴨,魚丸,滷鴨,, 紅燒牛肉, 牛丸,蝦丸,白煮雞 etc. 粿粉 米粉, 冬粉, 雞蛋麵, 粿條 (有大條,也就是河粉較軟滑 ,小條口感 較韌,), 尖米圓(類似米台目) 配菜 豆芽, 油菜, 中生菜, 白空心菜. 香菜料 和 配肉,有直接關係, 豬丸, 叉燒, 燒鴨 配蔥花, 魚丸蝦丸配蔥花,芫荽, 滷鴨配蔥花,芫荽,芹菜末, 牛丸,紅燒牛肉配蔥花,芫荽,芹菜末,九層塔. It's interesting that the stronger flavor of the meat needs more herbs to balance. 做法比照 台式切仔麵 , 將粿粉, 配菜燙熟 ,舖碗底, 排上配菜, ,香菜料, 再淋上湯底,蒜頭油. 蒜頭油做法: 蒜辦去皮 剁細, 小火將油燒熱, 加蒜煎成微黃( 期間需一直攪伴 ) ,立刻 離火加少許鹽. The salt here is to keep the garlic remains crispy for quite a long time. Yet you need practices to get the proper stage of garlic. To get a crispy texture instead of burning it. The main problem is you should know what goes with what, like the叉燒, 燒鴨 go with 雞蛋麵 + 油菜, but the 滷鴨 should goes with 豆芽 or中生菜, , when牛丸,紅燒牛肉 go with 豆芽plus白空心菜. If you are not that fussy, I believe that green bean spouts could go with anything. *_^ 在泰國看到有顏色的炒米粉 是加了一種深色甜醬油. Small Bean: I hope the information abovecould give you some ideas. Good luck. There are seasonings for noodles, yet let's keep for the next time. Bye for now.


發表時間: 2002/11/13 00:00:00
Hi Tai hai: Thankfulness! 我想我會好好研究。 I like Thailand and Thai food . See you next time.


發表時間: 2006/08/02 00:00:00


發表時間: 2006/08/02 00:00:00
Julia 做法比照 台式切仔麵 , 將粿粉, 配菜燙熟 ,舖碗底, 排上配肉,香菜料, 再淋上湯底,蒜頭油. 至於配料, 上面 2002-11-13 的討論中, 我已詳述. 叉燒, 燒鴨 配 雞蛋麵 + 油菜 滷鴨 配 豆芽 or中生菜 牛丸,紅燒牛肉 配 豆芽+ 白空心菜 若是不講究, 也可以一味豆芽配到底