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標題: 泰式檸檬香茅雞

人氣: 16711時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
炎炎夏日,來道低熱量的泰式檸檬香茅雞. 檸檬香茅雞 雞胸肉 300 g(去皮, 切薄片), 沙拉油1茶匙 檸檬汁 2 湯匙 香茅草 3 湯匙 (研成細末) 鹽 少許 材料 B: 糖 1 湯匙 魚露 1.5 湯匙 檸檬汁 3 湯匙 材料 C: 鳥眼辣椒 1 湯匙(切成細丁) 紅蔥頭 6 湯匙(切絲) 蒜頭末 2 湯匙 香茅草 1/4 杯(靠近根部, 中間淡紫色嫩心部分;輪狀切薄片) 材料 D 粗皮柑葉 6 片 ( 撕去葉脈,切成細絲 ; 上圖中很細的綠色絲即是 ) 做 法 1. 將材料A拌勻後醃15分鐘。醃好之後加入1茶匙的油拌勻,將雞肉蒸熟,並除去多餘的湯汁.若用微波炉,每150 g 雞肉以中等火力加熱三鐘, 口感比較滑嫩。 2. 將材料B拌勻直到糖粒充分溶解,拌好之後再加入材料C輕輕拌勻。 3. 將做法 2 拌好的香辛料淋到蒸好的雞肉片上,再把切好的粗皮柑葉絲撒上即可上桌。 附註: 1. 這道菜裡面的所有材料都可以吃(怕辣的可以不吃辣椒! ^_^),所以購買材料的時候要慎選新鮮幼嫩的香草。 3. 雙手摸過切過的辣椒之後,請千萬記得先洗手!不然會引起皮膚或雙眼刺痛。 Thanks Gibi's help in editing this recipe, Pictures are available, please e-mail me .


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
tahai, 終於可做一道泰國菜啦!^Q^ 謝謝!當然Bibi也謝謝 Alaskan囉!沒有您兩位Bibi不可能做泰國菜ㄟ!Thank you again! =^.^=


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
tahai, Thanks so much for this recipe. I am going to try it this week. Those pictures look good. Thanks again.


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
Tahai, 好美味的食譜ㄜ! 請問香茅草的英文是什麼? 如果市場找不到的話,可否用別的代替? 比如: rosemary 之類?


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
Sunflower, 香茅草 = lemongrass 味道和rosemary完全不同ㄛ!但您還是可試試@@囉!只不過那就不是正統ㄉ泰國菜囉!反正煮菜只要自己覺得好吃喜歡就好啦!倒是您那半覺得好不好吃才重要ㄟ!=^.^=


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
tahai: 多謝了!! 食譜中的"香茅草 3 湯匙 (研成細末)" 是指香茅的那個部位?? 真高興,我家的香茅終於有用了


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
tahai 謝謝你的相片,我收到啦 的確好漂亮ㄛ


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
Clove: 香矛的梗。


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
Dear Tahai 謝謝妳ㄉ食譜和照片 我收到囉 光看那照片我白飯就可以"ㄊㄨㄧ" 2碗ㄌ


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
謝謝夢苓 本來今晚想做這道的,後來發現沒有檸檬,只好等下回上超巿後再做. Tahai 要不要考慮出一本泰式食譜??妳做的菜實在太美了.


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
Thank you, Tahai 鰓 ㄏㄏ I put this 檸檬香茅雞" in the "to cook "list and I have all the ingredients in the freezer too.


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
小不點兒 我跟妳一樣 光是看照片就開始肚子餓 慘的是..我一邊還要翻譯檸檬雞食譜 一邊還要忍住飢餓感(最近要減游泳圈&大屁股) 好可粘說... ^_^ Tahai Don't take what I said above wrong I LOVE to help you translate your delicious receipes! By the way, what do you think about the 泰式烤雞 receipe that 楊桃 just released? And...Gibi just bought a big bag of shrimp today...I would like to know some Thai shrimp receipe that demand common ingrediants. ^_^ Will this task too much trouble for you?! >_<


發表時間: 2003/06/04 00:00:00
My dear friends: Thanks for your compliments, they are too much for this common daily dish, but they work for me, Hehehe. I should warn you first that the seasoning above are only for suggestion, need to meet your favorite taste. You may start from 1 T of each sugar/fish sauce/lemon juice. Good luck. Sunflower: Just skip the lemon grass, you could still get a Thai taste; but please don't use the rosemary to instead, I am afraid that they will fighting,Thai<->Western. *_^ Clove: Use only the fattest part of its stalk, it is usable only 2-3 cm in this recipe, but you may save the rest(frozen) for other dish as Tom Yam Kung. Gibi: I hope your shrimp are frozen, other than Tom Yam Kung, I usually cook shrimp in Chinese dish. Try a dipping sauce for shrimps: chili finely chopped, garlic finely chopped,coriander roots finely chopped, lemon juice, sugar and fish sauce, mix together. I'll check the roast chicken later.


發表時間: 2003/06/05 00:00:00
Dear Gibi: I've checked the recipe of Roasted Lemon Chicken, I can't say that is a Thai dish. This recipe doesn't contain a dipping sauce. A dipping sauce can't be missed in a roasted Thai dish, though Thai people hardly "roast" their foods, they use to "grill" their foods on a charcoal burner. Thai people love alcoholic drink, indeed; but they seldom(I try to avoid using "never" this word) use liquor in Thai cookery, as I have said before. Rice wine (Saatoo) used to be an illegal wine brewed by farmers for drinking only. Not to mention there is Mirin in this recipe too. I bet you that most of Thai people have never heard of Mirin in their whole life. I don't think that someone who uses one or more Thai seasonings to invent a dish, then it turns out to be a Thai dish; or a dish sold in a Thai restaurant (outside of Thailand)will be considered as a Thai dish. Sometimes, I am really angry with such distorted information that has been widely delivered, and 哭笑不得 when someone try to argue with me of whether is it a Thai dish or not. My neighbors--an Admiral and his wife--used to attend(an honorable title) to our Queen and their daughters(those young ladies who have enjoyed my desserts ^_*), a well-educated(engineer, physician and military officers) 100% Thai family, they are invited to Hi-So banquets and dinners very often; I have confirmed with them about those amazing "THAI" dishes(in case that I myself 孤陋寡聞) and also checked with G's relatives. They said "Unbelievable!" and "Amazing!" in Thai to me.


發表時間: 2003/06/05 00:00:00
tahai 我収看到妳的這道檸檬香茅雞的照片了 妳真得是太麗害了、作得如此漂亮 連使用的盤子也好漂亮也 ♪(^O^)♪


發表時間: 2003/06/06 00:00:00


發表時間: 2003/06/06 00:00:00
Bibi, 我家有時是中、西菜一起上桌--比如: 老公的牛排(我不吃牛肉)、我的炒年糕等中式家常菜。我們各取所好,只是準備起來較麻煩些。所以他常說我想作任何"實驗"都可以,只要不逼他吃就行。 Tahai, Happy to know that I can skip Lemongrass, but, regarding "粗皮柑葉",是否一般柑橘的葉子也可代替? 希望是可以啦,因為沒有香茅草、也沒紅蔥頭,我已經粉擔心妳這道好菜被我整得完全走樣了。


發表時間: 2003/06/06 00:00:00
Tahai, Gibi在飲食男女中已說出答案:kaffir leaf 只能缺席,不能被代替。嗚.....


發表時間: 2003/06/06 00:00:00
Sunflower; I have seen the Kaffir Lime Leaves in powder form sold in Bangkok, you may try to find it . In case that you don't have the shallots, you may use small red onion thinely slices to instead. 秀子: 3Q 3Q.. *_^


發表時間: 2003/06/06 00:00:00
Tahai I'm thinking about the possibility of getting Kaffir tree in Taiwan. If not...I figure you will be my only source! he..he..he...^_^